Artisti scansionano il busto di Nefertiti e lo rilasciano online

Il busto di Nefertiti è stato scansionato di nascosto da un duo di artisti e rilasciato online il dataset in 3d come torrent che chiunque può scaricare:
The project, called “The Other Nefertiti,” is the work of German-Iraqi artist Nora Al-Badri and German artist Jan Nikolai Nelles, who consider their actions an artistic intervention to make cultural objects publicly available to all. For years, Germany and Egypt have hotly disputed the rightful location of the stucco-coated, limestone Queen, with Egyptian officials claiming that she left the country illegally and demanding the Neues Museum return her. With this controversy of ownership in mind, Al-Badri and Nelles also want, more broadly, for museums to reassess their collections with a critical eye and consider how they present the narratives of objects from other cultures they own as a result of colonial histories.
Artists Covertly Scan Bust of Nefertiti and Release the Data for Free Online.