PUBLIC PRODUCTS – innovation through open-source design processes

Il 5 e 6 Settembre Eugenia Morpurgo e Jesse Howard terranno un workshop di due giorni (in inglese) per esplorare nuove cornici progettuali per una nuova classe di prodotti maker-friendly.
La partecipazione è gratuita, i posti sono limitati. Per prenotarsi è richiesta una quota di iscrizione che sarà rimborsata completamente solo con l’effettiva partecipazione alla due giorni. Iscriviti
On September 5 and 6 Eugenia Morpurgo and Jesse Howard will be holding a workshop focused on understanding new design frameworks for a new class of maker-friendly products.
Participation is free, limited availability. To book your participation we request you subscribe with a fee which will be refunded completely only with the real presence at the workshop. Subscribe
Until recently, producing a typical everyday product relied on centralized, low-cost and large scale production, followed by global distribution. As a result, these products are inflexible and unsustainable: they are unable to adapt to local or individual needs, materials and processes. This production system inhibits their repair, and limits the possibilities for reuse or recycling.
During the past decade, an open-source model has lead to a method of software development based on shared creation and collective innovation. Implementing a similar system for everyday objects would lead to products which are more adaptable, and serve as a step toward a more circular system of production and economy.
How can a product be reduced to a minimal framework of its own basic functions and components in order to make open and distributed manufacturing process possible?
Identifying, rethinking, documenting and sharing this framework – a minimal combination of the product’s essential functions and components – can unlock the potential of a more flexible, user-centred product that can be the result of a combination of global and local accessible production processes.
Within the context of the Workshop, we will address this issue from two points-of-view, one from the perspective of the producer and the other from the user-maker, realized through two distinct but related workshop formats.
In Day 1 , we will lead workshop participants (of a producer) through a process of re-evaluating their existing product by reducing it to a set of essential functions and defining the necessary parts needed to fulfill these functions. This analysis will be documented and will provide a groundwork for re-evaluating existing products in terms of alternative models of production.
In turn, the framework developed will be redesigned for open production, and extended to new contexts during Day 2 . Held within fablabs and maker- spaces, this workshop guides participants through the process of developing the framework into a physical prototype, which will be designed in response to an alternative production processes: the materials and machines available within the context of the hosting fablab. Ultimately, the output created in WS2 has the potential to give feedback to the product’s original producer, thereby giving insight into how the products could respond to specific needs and contexts through an open design process.
When and where
Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 – September 2016