Alle superiori inventa un anello intelligente per chi soffre di Parkinson

posted on febbraio 23rd 2016 in News with 0 Comments

Un ragazzo delle superiori in California ha inventato un anello intelligente stampato in 3d per chi soffre di Parkinson, e ora lo porta su Kickstarter:

The OneRing, named for the powerful ring at the center of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, is a 3-D printed plastic ring topped with a flashdrive-like box that houses a Bluetooth microchip. Using an algorithm developed by Tandon, the device senses tremors commonly experienced by Parkinson’s patients, classifies them based on severity, and generates a daily report that provides time-stamped analytics about the users’ movements during each hour of the day.

Leggi l’articolo: High School Kid Develops A Wearable Device For Parkinson’s Patients.
